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SD Quilt Guild

A place to learn about the quilting arts in South Dakota

Join us as we venture together!


The South Dakota Quilters’ Guild was formed in September of 1986 holding their first meetings in Pierre. Members from around the state still come together once a year in a central location in South Dakota for a retreat and annual meeting.


The retreat has classes, vendors, Make It and Take It activities, charity quilt construction, and a silent auction. It also includes time to share skills, learn new techniques, and socialization with old and new members. All quilters of any skill level are welcome and encouraged to join.


In the guild’s By-Laws the purpose is stated as:

It shall be our purpose to encourage a wider appreciation of quilting, to raise and maintain standards of design, individual ideas and expression, and to keep interest alive by promoting local quilt guild projects, programs and doing charitable work. Present organized classes for members at regular intervals, and when possible, plan and present a biennial quilt show for the public.

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